Well a day late and . . . you get the idea. Anyways as promised here’s my top 100 horror films. You can call this my personal 100 Favorite Horror Movies list rather than any sort of objective 100 Greatest. It’s a question of nomenclature, but whatever it is here’s 100 films that in some way shape or form fit the description of horror and they’re arranged in a somewhat random order as I saw fit.
Now I went into a whole definition of what horror is when I mentioned this list forthcoming some time ago. I won’t rehash again what is a horror film and what isn’t. In the case of a few films I referred to IMDB for clarification. Granted I vocally despise that site, but for certain things it can help. For this reason The Testament of Dr. Mabuse can be counted as a horror film, however M, Blue Velvet, and Lost Highway didn’t fit that bill so off the list they went. There may or may not be more films on this list that don’t fit your definition of horror, or my brother’s for that matter but what of it.
Somehow Lost Highway still isn't a horror film
Genre definition can be tricky and I wasn’t so hell bent on excluding a bunch of on the fence films to make room for others like my brother. For that matter feel free to check out his
list, I wouldn’t say it’s better, but he went through the trouble of offering film by film commentary, I’m far too lazy for that. Likewise I didn’t create a whole blog for the sole purpose of this list like he did. Excuses again, I also didn’t do nearly as much research as he did, so what of it.
I may revisit this topic a year from now and dedicate a good solid couple of months to research. Hell I may offer a complete essay on every film to one up my brother. For now I’ll just offer some commentary on the top ten as is my custom. Considering we asked several friends and family to post their own lists we were the only two who actually did it on Halloween, so those people who shall not be named here are all proverbially fired.
My Facebook friends should have noticed this list when it was posted yesterday, and if you didn’t then this is a more detailed version. In my laziness I didn’t bother putting years so here you can find out which versions of which films are on my list. There are two absolutes in horror films: 1) Every horror film will get a sequel and; 2) They will all be remade. Typically when the sequels reach the saturation point, usually after they visit the ghetto, outer space, or turn into downright comedies of the straight to video variety, they get remade, or what’s politely called the “re-boot”. It’s the reason Scream will probably get it’s own remake/reboot in a few years considering how much people hated Scream 4. Although you don’t have to like or even acknowledge these sequels exist, I mean there are 5 Wrong Turn movies for example. As for remakes even Day of the Triffids was remade, remember that? Of course you don’t. Point is these are the films that transcend the shit, or rather the films that eventually get their own sequels and remakes. Feel free to question my sanity or complain as you see fit.
Many of these films have alternate titles so in most cases I used the title I saw the film under.
Now the question of how I numbered them is worth noting. There were a few strategies. For one I could have listed these in terms of how scary they were. Seeing how It traumatized me for weeks and will forever make me convinced that clowns are the most evil creatures in the universe, that should top the list, but take a good look it’s not even in my top 100. When you consider only about three other films in my life have scared me, this would be a very short list. Also take into account that no one born after 1935 has been scared by a Universal monster movie, even though a horror list without these classics could rightfully be discredited.
Seriously fuck you Tim Curry |
Next idea is to rank these films in terms of the best films that happen to be horror. This would allow me to name this the 100 Greatest Horror Films, or more accurately “The 100 Greatest Films That Can Be Considered Horror”. The second title isn’t quite as catchy and it poses some problems. For one Psycho is probably the greatest film that can be called horror, but it wouldn’t be my favorite horror film. Looking at my list there are plenty of five star films that are among my very favorites but place somewhat low here because well I chose not to number my list that way. Simply put I didn’t think this would work.
The other theory is to number these films in terms of how they adhere to the horror genre. Films that are quintessentially horror should get preference, and how well they employ the conventions of the genre, help define them and how well they execute their horrific ideas. I may lean towards this, but well how about the genre bending films, this ranking would seem to reinforce the stereotypes which with few exceptions (Cabin in the Woods) usually are the mark of a formulaic and uninspired film.
So the result I went with is simply any god damn order I wanted. Films I love get priority. Films that actually scared me will get some consideration, but seriously fuck the movie It, I will never forgive that film for making me terrified of shower drains for the entirety of my childhood. Likewise some of the films I really love that don’t adhere as neatly to horror conventions aren’t rated as high as films that may be overall inferior but are better “horror” movies. In other words, this is my arbitrary ranking and deal with it, or send me a nice email/comment about how you beg to differ, I’m quite amicable to dialogue on this subject.
I should point out that if a particular favorite of yours isn’t on the list there are only four reasons. First reason is that I haven’t seen it. Keep in mind before I made this list I had never seen The Omen, Hellraiser, Re-Animator, and a whole lot of other crap. The second excuse may be that I did see it and didn’t like it. This applies to the entire Friday the 13th series, Rob Zombie’s movies that aren’t The Devil’s Rejects, The entire Saw series, as well as the Scream films. The third reason may be I don’t consider it horror. My brother and I disagreed on a few of these, and I wasn’t willing to call Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me a horror film, although it wouldn’t have been nearly as high as he put it. The fourth reason is that I never heard of it. There are so many god damn horror films made every year and very few of these pop up on critic’s lists that they often go years under the radar. So shoot some at me, and maybe I’ll check them out. Oh there’s also the chance that I saw it, liked it, and didn’t include it because I saw and liked 100 other films more.
One extra note, I cheated with The Ring/Ringu. I know these are two separate films and one is the remake of the other, but well I consider them pretty damn equal and even if The Ring was a faithful remake and didn’t really improve on the original, it did have Naomi Watts and I’d watch that women do her taxes.
100. Martin (1976)
99. Viy (1967)
98. The Seventh Victim (1943)
97. The House of Whipcord (1974)
96. I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
95. Interview with the Vampire (1994)
94. Cronos (1993)
93. The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
92. Black Christmas (1974)
91. The Devil’s Rejects (2005)
90. The Others (2001)
89. Society (1989)
88. John Carpenter’s Vampires (1998)
87. The Wicker Man (1973)
86. The Innocents (1961)
85. Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
84. Let the Right One In (2008)
83. Isle of the Dead (1945)
82. Dr. Terrors House of Horrors (1965)
81. Nosferatu: The Vampire (1979)
80. Fascination (1979)
79. Rabid (1977)
78. The Old Dark House (1932)
77. Kwaidan (1964)
76. Bay of Blood (1971)
75. Candy Man (1992)
74. The Black Cat (1934)
73. The Wolf Man (1941)
72. The Crazies (1973)
71. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933)
70. Day of the Dead (1985)
69. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
68. The Body Snatcher (1945)
67. Dead Ringers (1988)
66. Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
65. Dracula (1931)
64. The Birds (1963)
63. The Sixth Sense (1999)
62. Repulsion (1965)
61. Night of the Hunter (1955)
60. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
59. City of the Living Dead (1981)
58. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
57. Carrie (1976)
56. Last House on the Left (1972)
55. The Host (2007)
54. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
53. Hellraiser (1987)
52. The Tenant (1976)
51. The New York Ripper (1982)
50. Horror Rises From the Tomb (1972)
49. The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1972)
48. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
47. The Thing From Another World (1951)
46. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970)
45. Freaks (1932)
44. Deep Red (1975)
43. Peeping Tom (1960)
42. Cabin in the Woods (2012)
41. King Kong (1933)
40. The Cremator (1968)
39. Les Diaboliques (1955)
38. The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
37. Suspiria (1977)
36. Messiah of Evil (1973)
35. The Haunting (1963)
34. The Mummy (1932)
33. Nosferatu (1922)
32. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
31. The Unknown (1927)
30. Planet Terror (2007)
29. Videodrome (1983)
28. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
27. Funny Games (1997)
26. Vampyr (1932)
25. Antichrist (2009)
24. Dead Alive (1992)
23. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
22. The Fly (1986)
21. Frankenstein (1931)
20. The Ring/Ringu (1998/2003)
19. Alien (1979)
18. The Raven (1935)
17. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
16. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
15. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
14. Halloween (1978)
13. The Thing (1982)
12. Eraserhead (1977)
11. The Exorcist (1973)
10. Shivers (1975)
Cronenberg's first masterpiece |
Yes this is also called They Came From Within, so in case you were wondering, consider that riddle solved. I first heard of this film in a brilliant documentary called American Nightmare, which focused on six landmark independent horror films over a decade. Those films were Night of the Living Dead, The Last House on the Left, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Shivers, Dawn of the Dead, and Halloween. Take a look around they’re all on this list. In the case of Shivers and Last House on the Left, this is the first time I heard of them. This is long before David Cronenberg was a household name to me, and Shivers was the first of his films I saw. I may now believe he’s possibly the best horror director ever, and Shivers could very well be his best film. Unlike so many of his contemporaries he’s managed to stay relevant, even if he’s somewhat abandoned his horror roots. The film can be somewhat described as Invasion of the Body Snatchers in a hotel with a lot of sex. Sound like a winning combination for you? Glad you’re on board.
9. Kill List (2011)
Here's where the Wicker Man references come in |
Remember when I said “see this movie now” a few months back? You should I said it a few times, and I didn’t tell you anything about it. By now you should have seen it. It’s on DVD, it’s readily available and although it came and went without notice in theaters it is that type of rare horror film that sticks with you for days/weeks/months. There’s so much going on here, I couldn’t sleep after I saw it. Not because I was scared but because there were so many thoughts going through my head. If you like your horror films all wrapped up with a little bow this won’t be for you, but if you dig a bit of ambiguity and something open for interpretation this is as good a horror film as you’re likely to find. I won’t break my silence regarding the details of the film, but for Christ’s sake see the damn film already.
8. The Invisible Man (1933)
Perhaps Universal's most evil monster |
Awhile back me and Shawn Reilly got together and watched all six of Universal’s flagship films. They’re all on this list, but even though I’ve seen them all more times than I can count, I never realized how psychotically evil Claude Rain’s Dr. Jack Griffin was. Nearly all of Universal’s classic monsters were somewhat sympathetic. They were victims of circumstance. Dracula needs blood to live, The Wolf Man was changed by a curse, Frankenstein’s monster just wanted a friend, and well The Mummy was clearly fucked over in his previous life. Griffin on the other hand discovered the secret to invisibility and decides he’s going to take over the world. He kills randomly, reeks havoc, and is something a general anarchist. We may think that the formula warped his brain, but I think he’s just evil. He is a much more frightening monster than the others who may have had more gruesome makeup because as horror movies always point out we fear what we can’t see. James Whale uses a nice blend of humor to balance the mood and this could easily be his masterpiece if it weren’t for another film made two years later.
7. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Yeah you're fucked |
That rule about everything getting a sequel and being remade applies to Dawn of the Dead on both accounts. It was one of the rare sequels that I feel far surpassed the original. I’ll give credit where credit is due and I have no problem calling Night of the Living Dead the most important independent horror film ever made, but we’re talking my favorite horror films, not the most important. For that I go with Romero’s sequel. Sure this should have stopped as a trilogy because no matter how cool the deaths were in Diary of the Dead the film itself was still painfully unnecessary and well I haven’t met a single person who liked Survival of the Dead. Here however we get awesome gore courtesy of Tom “Sex Machine” Savini, and as my brother said this has arguably the best setting ever for a zombie movie. I mean who wouldn’t want to holed up in a mall during the zombie apocalypse? Especially one with a sporting goods store and a grocery? I’ve seen all three cuts of this film and they’re all fantastic, so go with the nice and long extended unrated cut, and think twice time you want to check your blood pressure during a zombie apocalypse.
6. Masque of the Red Death (1964)
The face of the Red Death |
When we started this project I would have been amazed to find I had a Vincent Price film ahead of my brother, and for that matter way ahead of him. The man we can easily call the greatest horror actor ever, and one of the greatest people to ever live, is at his best here. Teamed up with low budget exploitation master Roger Corman the pair adapt yet another Edgar Allen Poe story and take massive liberties with it. Price’s Prince Prospero isn’t just evil, he’s gloriously satanic, delivering some of the screens most blasphemous and awesome lines in movie history. Nicholas Roeg who went on to become an occasionally brilliant director in his own right shot the film, and I can’t think of a horror movie that makes better use of color than this. In the subgenre of satanic gothic horror this is as good as it gets.
5. Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Before uninspired George Romero sequels and an unwatchable show on AMC made zombies officially passé they were pretty fucking awesome. There’s a good chance I’ve seen more zombie movies than you and I’d like to consider myself something of an authority on the subject. Most zombie movies are lazy, really lazy, like Walking Dead lazy. There characters suck, there’s no backstory, and the zombies don’t pose any threat whatsoever. So let me explain why Return of the Living Dead is the greatest zombie movie ever. For starters we set up why there’s zombies. Trioxin 245 is a chemical that we find out the government made. Night of the Living Dead was apparently based on a real incident. Two guys messing around knock the gas loose and before you know it there are some reanimated corpses in their warehouse. Then you have the impossible to kill zombies. After taking a pick axe to one, it doesn’t stop coming at them. They have to saw off all of it’s limbs and they’re still trying to get some delicious brains. Oh and did I mention these zombies run top speed and they can talk? Oh yeah if the apocalypse happens and this is what we’re up against, we’re all going to die bottom line. The characters are also awesome. The outrageously 80s group that parties at the graveyard works together. They don’t bicker and bitch like everyone in a Romero film does. Oh and Linnea Quigley is responsible for probably the greatest nude scene ever. If you watch this and still don’t agree with me, then clearly you and I don’t agree about zombies.
4. Psycho (1960)
The unblinking eye of Marion Crane |
Whenever I get around to making my all time top 100 list, this will probably be the highest film from this list. Some people don’t consider it even a horror film but it’s influence on the genre is undeniable. 1960 was a landmark year for cinema. Michelangelo Antonioni showed once and for all that narratives need not have closure with L’Avventura, Federico Fellini ushered in a new age of sex and celebrity culture with La Dolce Vita, Jean Luc Godard showed that there were no rules for film anymore with Breathless, and Alfred Hitchcock set a new standard in screen terror. After years of low budget schlock that needed gimmicks to give their audiences frights, Hitchcock showed that the scariest thing of all could be just some random stranger. He flipped the script on the movie monster and made an entire generation terrified of the shower. The film still can shock today and I envy anyone who doesn’t know of it’s twists and turns. This is the film that inspired so many others, and it’s questionable if films like Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Masssacre, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, Se7en, or any film capable of creeping us out without any supernatural element would be possible without it.
3. Paranormal Activity (2009)
The only movie where someone standing in a room is terrifying |
Well here lies the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. As sequels continue to be made on an annual basis they each take a little away from the original story. Truth be told I have given up on the franchise and prefer to just stick to the original which was so undeniably creepy it made even the most hardened of horror movie fans freak the hell out. Really since The Blair Witch Project, which I didn’t particularly care for, the found footage subgenre of horror has been more gimmick than anything else. There have been some decent offerings, like Cloverfield for one, but mostly it’s been garbage like The Last Exorcism. This takes everything back to it’s bare roots. It’s shot on a microscopic budget and takes it’s sweet time building terror. By the time things really start going you’re ready for anything and are just sitting in sheer terror. I was convinced at the age of about 13 that films couldn’t do that anymore. That people couldn’t be scared like they used to, that I couldn’t be scared by a movie. This single handedly redeemed years of awful horror films and let everyone know that yes we still can have the ever loving shit scared out of us once in a while.
2. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
The greatest sequel of them all |
If you read my brother’s list you may have been baffled at the fact that the 1931 Dracula was his highest Universal film, and it didn’t even crack the top ten. Well for shame on him, because the only film other than my number one that was set in stone was Bride. It’s fitting that the greatest horror sequel ever made would come in at number two. James Whale, who had four films on this list, was Universal’s best horror director, and you can argue their best director period during those shaky early sound years. This was his best, campy, creepy, atmospheric, and featuring the most iconic movie monster in history. Fans of Mary Shelley’s book have always taken these films with a grain of salt, but on their own merits they are as good as the Universal horror cycle ever got.
1. The Shining (1980)
The only good creepy twins are dead creepy twins |
This should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, and well you can and probably have read my nice long winded review/essay on the film I
posted earlier. Check it out, and if you haven’t seen The Shining, then I can’t believe you even know me. Chances are you don’t know me and you just stumbled onto my blog randomly. I first saw this film at the age of 11 or 12, so if you’re older than that you have no excuse. It’s simply the best horror film directed by the greatest director of all time, featuring my favorite Jack Nicholson performance. It also happens to be based on my favorite Stephen King book. King famously hates the picture, but well he might be the only person who doesn’t think this film is a masterpiece. This is what happens when you put top talent together, give them a budget, creative control, and enough time to produce a truly exceptional film. Unfortunately most of horror is simply up and comers dying to make a movie with a shoestring budget. Everything about this film is brilliant from the steadicam work by John Alcott, to the creepy score courtesy of the transexual Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind, and the performances, particularly Nicholson. King envisioned Jack Torrence as a man who is beaten by outside forces, driven to madness by things he can’t control. Kubrick’s Jack is a little off center who finds his home at the Overlook and takes to his new role with relish, it’s a far creepier choice. As King described it in his book the hotel burns, in Kubrick’s it freezes. Either way it doesn’t get better than this.